A Police Department Narrowly Escapes Losing its Community’s Trust
The 9-1-1 call came in late on a Saturday afternoon. The caller reported a woman at a public outdoor area experiencing a “mental health crisis.” First responders, including police as well as fire and rescue teams, arrived on-scene and quickly restrained the subject on a hospital gurney, while people nearby observed and used their phones to film the incident. Suddenly, one of the responders – a police officer – huddling over her struck the woman three times in the face with his fist. The use of force was shocking to bystanders, one of whom immediately challenged the officer. The officer stepped away from the gurney and explained that she had bitten him in the leg. Within hours, the chief of police called a principal at Strategia. “A use of force incident occurred this evening,” he said. “I’m not asking you to ‘defend’ the department. But I do want you to help us communicate with the community as we figure out what happened.”
After evaluating the circumstances of the incident, the Strategia team consulted with the chief and his command and encouraged the department to issue a statement immediately to the public that (1) confirmed the use of force incident; (2) acknowledged the shocking nature of the officer’s action; (3) referenced the department’s rules that allow an officer to “strike a person who is actively biting them”; (4) committed to an external evaluation of the matter; and (5) invited anyone with additional information about the incident to contact the deputy chief personally. Within hours of the event, the department issued its statement. Over the ensuing days, Strategia developed a crisis communications plan for the agency, responded to all media inquiries, and helped facilitate the department’s outreach to its community.
As several thousand people signed up online to attend an in-person protest, the Strategia team worked with the department – not to defend the police officer’s actions, which were still under investigation, but to define the process, confirm the facts surrounding the incident and inform the community of the path forward. What was planned as a large event dwindled down to a small gathering, preventing a large-scale disruption. After reviewing the evidence, an independent investigation determined that the officer followed departmental policy. No charges were filed. No protest activity ensured. And the citizen at the center of the incident received the appropriate care she deserved.