Nora Doyle

Strategist - Social Media

As a master Irish dancer, Nora Doyle has the drive and determination to accomplish anything she puts her mind to.

 The Southside native has been dancing since she learned to walk. Her dancing prowess translated to the athletic field as well. Nora captained the cross country and track teams at the College of St. Benedict in Minnesota, where she recently received her bachelor’s degree in political science with a minor in history. Nora stays busy balancing her time as Strategia’s Social Media Strategist while also attending Northwestern University’s Grad School of Sports Administration, where she plans on becoming a compliance or Title IX officer.

 While in school, Nora learned the ins and outs of the City of Big Shoulders by interning for the press office of the Mayor of Chicago, where she prepped press releases and clipped segments in the news about the mayor’s initiatives. She also worked as a portability specialist for the Housing Authority of Cook County, helping those on Section 8 housing vouchers move from Cook County to other counties nationwide.

Besides studying the latest social media trends, Nora is still Irish dancing— instructing beginning dancers in preschool and kindergarten.