Rob Johnson is a multiple Emmy Award-winning former TV news anchor who spent 20+ years on the airwaves of Chicago, both at ABC and CBS. He has taken that expertise to create Rob Johnson Communications, assisting clients with communications issues, ranging from corporate strategy and brand-building to messaging and media training. His partnership with Strategia Communications spans all communication tactics, including media training and helping build clients’ strategic plans and messaging for the passage of legislation favorable to their businesses.

Rob’s work for his clients includes assisting in company-wide rebranding, conducting media, message, executive leadership, and presentation training for executives, producing town hall and stockholder meetings, and creating multiple videos for the marketing efforts of a Chicago mid-cap financial services firm. He is also the executive producer of the YouTube channel for a Chicago labor union, creating content and episodes around the essential and highly skilled work its members do. 

Rob also serves as a strategic advisor for a leading Chicago networking group, assisting with short and long-term strategy, business development, and crisis communications. He also has similar business arrangements with The Harbinger Group, Kann Advisory Group, and KemperLesnik.

Rob is the co-host of the bi-weekly podcast, “Can You Hear Me?” with Eileen Rochford, CEO of the Harbinger Group, focused on C-suite brand building and best communication practices for company leaders.

He is also passionate about shining the light on not-for-profits, serving on boards for Special Olympics Illinois, Concussion Legacy Foundation, Associated Colleges of Illinois, and Mission Neem. He also emcees and supports dozens of other charitable organizations in the Chicago area.

He earned a Bachelor of Arts in communication from DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana.

Rob Johnson

Senior Strategist